14/06/15 - Kyogle - Tenterfield NSW

We were a little bit apprehensive about the road from Casino to Tenterfield as we were told by several people how steep and winding it was. We have been told those sort of things before and like previous occasions they proved to be over dramatised. There must  be a lot of "nervous nellies" towing caravans as we found this road no steeper or windier than most other roads we have been on, certainly not as intimidating as the road in to Queenstown Tasmania (coming from the Hobart direction).
Anyway was a fairly easy drive, but the continuing rain didn't add to the ambience.
Camped behind the BP Service Station in Tenterfield and had dinner at the RSL, very pleasant.
We'll put Tenterfield on the list for a re-visit as it seemed quite a pleasant and historic place.

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