07/06/16 - Texas - Rosewood Qld

Day didn't get off to a good start. Got up this morning and found the left front tyre very soft on the 5th wheeler.
Got it to the local tyre place who took the wheel off and found that was a piece of bone in the tyre, probably from some road kill.

Anyway they fixed that and we went to the local dump point, whilst emptying the black tank someone pointed out that we had a flat tyre!
It wasn't even the one just fixed but the one behind it on the same side. Turned out it had a a quite large screw embedded, too large to fix safely.

Finally got on the road well after 11am, headed towards Rosewood, west of Ipswich, via the Lockyer Valley where they had those enormous floods a few years ago.

Came through this place which reminded us of our daughter Inge.

Finally arrived at Rosewood around 5pm, much later than we usually like to arrive.

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