09/05/15 - Maryborough Qld

Camped at the showground, which is also an equestrian centre, where quite unbeknown to us there is a big equestrian event on this weekend!

As we are parked close to the end of the camping places and over the fence are some stables, we finished up surrounded by the horsy crowd with their quite impressive rigs. Some nice 5th wheelers which are combined human accommodation and horse trailer.

Next to us is one of these that takes 3 horses as well as accommodates their riders and has space for all the horsy paraphernalia.

It is towed by an Isuzu 250 twin cab truck, most of these rigs use a 3" ball and gooseneck setup, somewhat different to our Hayman Reese hitch.

Maryborough is quite an historical place dating back to the Queensland gold rush when it was the main port for the goldfields, bringing in gold miners as well as supplies. It is situated on the Mary River.

Later it was one of the ports where South Sea Islanders (or Kanakas) were brought in to work on the sugar cane farms.

This is a memorial to these people.

As with so many places we travel through there are many reminders of Australia's past, very sad to see the many places where actually produced stuff, now we import most of it.

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